Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 8 #18

I played with this program and enjoy the fact it is web based and I can work on my documents anywhere I am connected to the internet. I like some of the features. It was also fun to upload one of my son's favorite dream rides. I had some trouble formatting pictures. I wanted to decrease the size and move the picture around. I'll play some more. I think I did get the car slightly smaller. I was able to play with the font, style, size.

Personally, this is very fun to play around with. I can see using it between family. With word already on the computer, I may not get back to this as often. Also, I don't have a need to write large documents and share them at this time.

For school, it would be a good collaboration tool. I can see using this to set up sub plans. I can keep them on here and edit them if I am home sick then e-mail them off to our admin. assistant. With students, I think I might try a collaborative writing document. Perhaps, students could write add on stories with each other through this method. The speed impresses me. It updates so quickly. Currently, we share documents via e-mail and our public sites on the server. I don't mind this system but the students would love zoho writer much more.


  1. I have to admit that I haven't done much with ZOHO.... mostly because I use so many other google aps that I am using googledocs which is very similar. I know that there are some things that are more robust in ZOHO but I have been able to do everything I need to do on google so far. However, whatever service you use, the ability to share and edit as well as access your docs no matter what computer you are on is becoming more critical for our students. I know that for some of ours, they work on PC at home, use a mac at school and have to print from their parent's or a friend computer. These hosting services allow them to avoid the cross platform, docx and other problems that entails.

  2. Yes, I need to share this with my middle son. He could use this in his writing class. Your above scenario about avoiding cross platform (new term but I think I understand it)has happened. His teacher should use a web based program. This could help with the editing of some of my son's papers. Though my son rarely forgets his papers, if they were web based he could pick them up at school.
