Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 7 #16 wiki

This is one of the few web 2.0 resources I have heard about before this class. I'm glad to finally look at some. I have a couple of colleagues who use these frequently and have set some up for an educational group I am involved in. One teacher uses it to post our minutes from our weekly meetings. Another uses it for discussion between schools in the district about library developments. Unfortunately, I haven't been to either wiki to respond and collaborate. Now, I'll do that. I guess you must bookmark for easy access. I didn't see if the wiki alerts you if someone edits the page. I know once you are in the site it will. I like that all can edit this and be authors. If one realizes the information found on a wiki may be subjective, these may be helpful to use for school. I like the idea of students building a trading card, report, top 10 book list, continuing class discussions, editing work already on the wiki, etc. I like that you do have some control over who edits a wiki. It is also nice to see who edits what. I'd like to try building trading cards based on books and posting them on a wiki. I know youtube is filtered but these should be okay.

1 comment:

  1. Most wiki's you can RSS so that it alerts you if the wiki is updated. Some of them you can also set for email notification.

    Being able to keep up with changes on these interactive sites is a key.
