Friday, March 27, 2009

Week 6 #13

Tagging seems like a tremendous time saver. Searching can take so much time. Now, I can check this account for popular sites. I work from several different computers using several different browsers. I may not have a bookmark on one computer but setting the tags on my new account, I'll be able to access them from anywhere. I like the idea of sharing the bookmarks with other teachers. It will be nice to have a community list of tagged sites. Since this is so new to many on staff, it will take time to share and bring teachers up to speed. I can see this being nice in the library. Frequently used sites related to research and education will be easily accessible. I can get students to sites much quicker as popular sites will be tagged in the system. I can see using this to tag sites for leveling books. I am always looking for more sites. It is nice tagging works for websites as well as posts, and photos.


  1. It was really helpful for me last month when I had to get my computer re-imaged and I was able to just smile when all my bookmarks disappeared because I was able to access them with no problem from delicious... :-)


  2. Wow, so smart. Good to remember for the future.
