Friday, March 27, 2009

Week 5 #12 Voice Thread

I must say I was frustrated with this tool. It may have been my computer's internet speed switching from one site to another. SLOOOOW. I like the idea and did create an account. I picked up a random picture to upload and played around with it. The tutorials were good.
I can see several educational applications. The first would be mini tutorials for any subject. Just like voice thread tutorials, teachers could create these for their math, science, language arts lessons. I enjoyed listening to the art teacher who discussed elements of a picture. I liked her annotations. I didn't change the color as I annotated during my voice thread. I'll try that. I can also see this being a good way for students to do book reviews or to tell a story using their own pictures. Our school is using the Fairbanks art kits as well as designing their own. Either art teacher here or in Fairbanks could create one of these for their kits. Hmm The possibilities are endless. I could see one of our teachers using this for his pig dissection lessons.
I'll need to play around with this more as I can see teachers wanting to use this.

1 comment:

  1. I love VT and just recently used it to make a tutorial for navigating in Second Life that I did for a class that I am taking on how to design e-learning.

    Slow connections are a problem with a lot of these web 2.0 tools and become an issue of equity. If you don't have a fairly robust computer and a good speed to your internet connection, you can be marginalized after a while/

