Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 9 #20

This lesson was a lot of fun. Thank goodness teachertube is not blocked in our district. I enjoyed looking at various videos. It was also fairly easy to embed this video. I chose it because it was quick and fun and related to the library media center. I liked the simplicity of teachertube. I was able to search for topics of interest quickly. Most videos had some sort of educational value. On our older computers at school, it may be too time consuming to download those videos which are about 8 minutes long. It is worth a try. I did create links to several videos which might be helpful for topics being studied currently at our school. I linked these to my library catalog site. Setting up tutorials and uploading them to teachertube might be a nice feature. I might use teachertube as a weekly transitional piece showing different videos which pertain to different grade levels. EX: I might have the states and capital cartoon ready to view when fourth graders come in. It was great to see celebrity videos (Hannah Montana's bones). Kids love to see the stars in an educational setting. Mrs. Burk was really clever with her different raps. I noticed a lot of the same characters in various videos. How did 'Be Kind to your Eraser' get the mouth movement embedded in the rest of the video. Clever

1 comment:

  1. I admit that until I took this class I hadn't done much with Teacher Tube but there are a few authors I really like. The "In plain English" series by the Common Craft Show are really well done and I like that you can embed or download or link.

