Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chapter 2 Reflection

There are some astounding statistics regarding technology use in this chapter. More students use internet than watch t.v. Students use and are used to playing video games, text messaging, instant messaging, searching internet sites, downloading music, working on homework and more. Digital natives describe today's young people while we teachers and parents were described as digital immigrants. More American households have internet access than not. Half the young people on Youtube are under the age of twenty. The statistics continue. Because of this easy access to technology, young people think, work, and play differently than we do. I thought it interesting the chapter said 'myspace' had replaced the mall as an afterschool past time for teens. That seems the situation at my house with my teens. The chapter also mentioned there is technology developed for children as young as nine months. Another study showed increased academic progress and attendance in schools offering one on one computing skills.
There were some good suggestions for educators and technology use. We need to accept technology use is growing and incorporate it more into our teaching practices. It should not be an 'extra' learning experience. Students should have access to technology and should be able to use a multitude of tools for presentations. Since the technology world is changing, our lessons should help students adapt to new situations and continue learning. The media center and the media specialist should be good resources for assisting with incorporating technology into lessons. This class is a good step toward increasing my comfort in that role.
As I sit and blog, my daughter is on myspace, one son is playing an online game and another son finished a DVD. My husband gets most of his news online. We are pretty plugged in but I know there is more to learn.


  1. interstingly there was a study done that showed that students identified half of the work they do on My Space/Facebook was school related during the school year...... Not the image most of us have.

    Another area that is growing quickly is virtual worlds such as Second Life.... now if I only had time for my first life....


  2. So, let me understand. Students say the work they do on my space/facebook is school related?
    My daughter read that and wrinkled her nose to say, 'No, we don't.'
    So true about finding time for our lives. Summer helps. I'll have to look into Second Life.
